Skutt Relay – 25 Amp (Clear Case)

Skutt Relay – 25 Amp (Clear Case)

SKU: 1000124
KPS Part Numbers
Skutt Part Numbers

How do I know if I need black or clear case relays for my kiln?

Please review the PDF that can be found under the "PDF Files" tab above. It covers relay installation and will clarify which relays you need for your kiln.

My relays are wearing out quickly. Why?

If you find yourself replacing relays more often than you should, there are a few possible causes:

1. Your kiln is not running on the correct voltgae and is pulling more amperage than the relays are rated for. Verify the building voltage and kiln voltage to ensure they match.

2. If your Skutt kiln has 14 gauge feeder wires you can replace them with 12 gauge feeder wires which will help extend the life of your elements by keeping them cooler.

3. Make sure the connections from your wires to the relays are clean and tight. If the connections are loose or they are corroded it will cause them to fail prematurely.

General Relay Information and how to Tell Which Relays You Need

Relay Replacement - GM1414 Single Phase

Relay Replacement - KM1018 and KM818 Single Phase

Relay Replacement - KM1027 and KM1227 - Single Phase

Relay Replacement - KM1027 and KM1227 - Three Phase

Relay Replacement - KM1218 - Single Phase

Relay Replacement - KM1218 - Three Phase

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