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Kansas Clay (formerly Flint Hills)

Kansas Clay - Cone 06-04 Earthenware Red
A low fire red clay that fires to a light red-orange color at cone 06 to 05, and a richer, deeper red color when fired hotter, up to about a cone 2. During the summer of 2020, Kansas Clay completed a comprehensive test of their clay bodies.  For each clay body, they tested 6 flat bars, which were rolled out on a slabroller. They ALSO tested ver...

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Stoneware
A high-fire throwing body with iron-based fireclays which produce warm browns in reduction. Contains no grog but has a fair amount of fine tooth due to the high fireclay content.

Kansas Clay - Cone 06-04 Terra Cotta with Grog
A low fire red clay with about 18% grog (30 mesh flint grog) that fires to a light red-orange color at cone 06 to 05, and a richer, deeper red color when fired hotter, up to about a cone 2.

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Peppered Wheat
Mid-fire speckled buff colored clay - the same formula as the new WHEAT clay with added specks that make it look like someone sprinkled pepper on it.

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-10 Buff White Stoneware
A medium range light stoneware body which fires off-white to buff in oxidation and slightly darker in reduction. Average Shrinkage 12.5-14% Absorption 3.5-4%

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Red Brick Road
A redder version of the Flint Hills 5/6 Red (also known as Kansas Red or 5/6 Redder until we made the final decision on the name). This will replace the Flint Hills 5/6 Red clay body. Average Shrinkage 12-13.5% Absorption 0-1%

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Winter Wind Porcelain
Winter Wind is a reformulation of the Flint Hills Cone 5/6 Porcelain.  You should not notice a difference in workability or glaze fit.  The body is almost identical, but the original included a bag of talc.  average shrinkage wet to dry = 4.49% average shrinkage at bisque = 6.85% average shrinkage at cone 5 = 10.26% average absorption - 6.24%

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Bison
This is a dark clay body with mild speckling. Â It's kind of like a cross between Peppered Wheat and Bison. Â Not as heavily speckled as Peppered Wheat and a much darker base body. Â Average wet-dry shrinkage = 5.74% Average bisque shrinkage (04) = 11.23% Average shrikage at cone 5 = 13.93% Average Absorption = 3.72%Â

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Coffe Grind

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Kansas Wheat
Kansas Wheat is a little warmer color than the Flint Hills 5/6 Buff. Great for throwing as well as handbuilding (there's no grog in this body, but it's a toothy mid-fired stoneware clay). Customers have tested it with a wide variety of glazes from different manufacturers with no unusual glaze fit issues.  wet to dry shrinkage = 5.9% wet to bi...

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Stoneware White with Grog
A non-iron based high-fire stoneware body with about 18% grog (30 mesh flint grog). Fires to a buff color and provides a good background for glazes. Suitable for high-fire throwing, sculpture, and handbuilding as well as raku and primitive firing methods.

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Redstone
A high-fire, high iron red stoneware throwing body which fires to a rich red in reduction.

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Domestic Porcelain
A high-fire, inexpensive porcelain made from domestic kaolins. Fires to a cool white with blue-gray undertones as opposed to the yellowish undertones in English Porcelain. This body is especially nice when woodfired.

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 English Porcelain
A high-fire, carefully blended porcelain made from English Grolleg Kaolin. Fires to a warm white with Yellowish undertones as opposed to the domestic porcelain which has more of the blue-gray undertones. Great for all methods of firing and suitable for celadon and copper red glazes in reduction.

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Red Cobblestone
Red Brick Road body but with speckles...or freckles. Â Average Shrinkage 12-13.5% Absorption 0-1%

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 High Plains Porcelain
For years, Flint Hills has been making this special blend of Domestic Porcelain for production potter, Steve Coburn. The addition of both 30 and 120 mesh Molochite gives this clay additional strength without compromising whiteness, while the addition of 100 mesh kyanite reduces shrinkage.

Kansas Clay - Cone 06-04 Terra Blanc Dry
A non-talc based low-fire white clay that is easier to throw than talc-based bodies, especially for beginners. Fires to a creamy white at Cone 04. Low shrinkage and great glaze fit. During the summer of 2020, Kansas Clay completed a comprehensive test of their clay bodies.  For each clay body, they tested 6 flat bars, which were rolled out on a ...

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Stoneware White with Grog - 50 Pounds Dry
A non-iron based high-fire stoneware body with about 18% grog (30 mesh flint grog). Fires to a buff color and provides a good background for glazes. Suitable for high-fire throwing, sculpture, and handbuilding as well as raku and primitive firing methods.

Kansas Clay - Cone 06-04 Terra Cotta with Grog Dry
A low fire red clay with about 18% grog (30 mesh flint grog) that fires to a light red-orange color at cone 06 to 05, and a richer, deeper red color when fired hotter, up to about a cone 2.

Kansas Clay - Cone 06-04 Earthenware Red Dry
A low fire red clay that fires to a light red-orange color at cone 06 to 05, and a richer, deeper red color when fired hotter, up to about a cone 2. During the summer of 2020, Kansas Clay completed a comprehensive test of their clay bodies.  For each clay body, they tested 6 flat bars, which were rolled out on a slabroller. They ALSO tested ver...

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Domestic Porcelain - 50 Pounds Dry
A high-fire, inexpensive porcelain made from domestic kaolins. Fires to a cool white with blue-gray undertones as opposed to the yellowish undertones in English Porcelain. This body is especially nice when woodfired.

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-10 Royal Icing
Wald's Royal Icing is an extremely plastic, high quality English Porcelain Clay made popular by Kansas City potter, Deb Wald (featured images are some of her work!)Â average wet-dry shrinkage 5.97% average shrinkage at bisque (04) 8.94% average shrinkage at cone 5 13.9% average absoprtion at cone 5 3.72% overall shrinkage and absorption at cone...

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Winter Wind Porcelain Dry
Winter Wind is a reformulation of the Flint Hills Cone 5/6 Porcelain.  You should not notice a difference in workability or glaze fit.  The body is almost identical, but the original included a bag of talc.  average shrinkage wet to dry = 4.49% average shrinkage at bisque = 6.85% average shrinkage at cone 5 = 10.26% average absorption - 6.24%

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Buff White Stoneware with Grog - 50 Pounds Dry
A medium range light stoneware body which fires off-white to buff in oxidation and slightly darker in reduction. Average Shrinkage 12.5-14% Absorption 3.5-4%

Kansas Clay - Cone 10 Stoneware - 50 Pounds Dry
A high-fire throwing body with iron-based fireclays which produce warm browns in reduction. Contains no grog but has a fair amount of fine tooth due to the high fireclay content.

Kansas Clay - Cone 5-6 Buff White Stoneware - 50 Pounds Dry
A medium range light stoneware body which fires off-white to buff in oxidation and slightly darker in reduction. Average Shrinkage 12.5-14% Absorption 3.5-4%